Swede Dreams
Feeling overwhelmed with a new baby? How to Cope with New Mom Stress
Many of us find ourselves facing ‘new mom stress’, at a time when the world tells us we should be glowing with happiness. Here are some steps on how to overcome the stressful first few months of becoming a mom.
Baby and parent essentials checklist: what do I pack in my hospital bag?
Baby and parent essentials checklist: what do I pack in my hospital bag?
The DockATot Cabana Kit: making every outing with your baby a breeze
How to maximize your outdoor adventure with your baby.
What size DockATot dock should I buy? Choosing the right dock for your baby
What size DockATot dock should I buy? Choosing the right dock for your baby
First, though, a few questions for you... Do you need somewhere comfortable, safe and secure for your baby to lie flat and play? Do you travel frequently and need somewhere familiar for your baby to rest and play whilst on the road? Are you thinking about how to transition your little one to a toddler bed?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help you choose the right size DockATot dock for your baby...
15 Surprising Ways to Use Your DockATot Around the House
Here are 15 Surprising Ways to Use Your DockATot Around the House
Taking A Newborn To the Beach: Baby Beach Hacks That Parents Love
For many of us taking a newborn to the beach is something we look forward to. Those weeks before the due date are spent joyfully anticipating idyll...